Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My poor neglected child

I feel so bad for Bubba, more and more he's been soaking through his diapers and wetting his clothes. I like to think that it's because he doesn't let us change his diaper when we ask. But is it really just because I'm so distracted with Cubba and I don't pay enough attention to Bubbs? with my lack of sleep these days I also find myself short tempered. Bubbs told me he had to 'poopoo in the potty' and I ran to take him to the bathroom and once we got there he said he couldnt go. I took him off and left him without a diaper because i knew he'd want to try again. Two minutes later he again asked to poop in the potty, and I took him but this time he cried and said he couldnt do it and asked for his diaper. I put his diaper on and told him to tell me if he had to go poop because he'd get a jellybean if he went in the potty. Less than 5 minutes later he pooped in his diaper and i was SO annoyed! I told him only babies poop in diapers, and since one of his favorite insults these days is "crybaby" (along with poopoo head and knucklehead) I called him crybaby and he burst into tears. I'm such a mean mommy, but I'm SO SICK OF POOP!!!! With C i'm changing diapers every 15 minutes as it is, and its just so HARD dealing with stinky two year old poop :(

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