Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I got to donate my milk!!

Not only did I do my good deed for the week, but I now have space in my freezer. I ended up finding a girl on a Facebook group She lives about an hour away from me and I got to give her 135 bags of milk (675 oz). It's crazy to think that's over 5 gallons. When you think of it in ounces its not as "real" but when you imagine those giant milk jugs that you see at the grocery store... it kinda creeps me out and makes me feel like a dairy cow. And for those of you who are going to say something, I know that I'm not supposed to store milk in the door of the freezer but 1) I had no choice I ran out of space 2) it wasn't there long 3) I'm not storing it there anymore.

At first I was scared to donate my milk. I had read a few websites about milk donation and they all went on to say its something thats very personal and not everyone can do it. I was afraid that for some reason I'd have a breakdown and become suddenly posessive over my milk and not want to share. Actually when our freezer started getting so full Rex said that we should just throw some away, I nearly had a panic attack. All that hard work for nothing??? I don't think so. I needed to give it to some other baby that needed it. I can't say that donating milk has made me feel like such a great person because, well... I dont know, I'm pumping anyway for my own baby, I just so happen to pump out a lot more than he needs, so I might as well just share it right?

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